ROLE DESCRIPTION Rear Commodore Training

ROLE PURPOSE - To develop the sailing skills and abilities of the club by identifying training and development needs at both individual and group level and facilitating activities to achieve this whilst adhering to RYA guidelines and club strategy.


1. Develop and publish an annual training plan

a. Review previous years training and rebook courses where they have proved popular or are requested by members.

b. Ensure provision for (by running directly or by offering through third parties) the key RYA shore-based courses such as First Aid and Marine Radio

c. Discuss needs with the committee and individual members and investigate any ideas they may put forward

d. Investigate new topics/courses and the feasibility of running on behalf of the club

e. Ensure that the annual overall training expenditure does not exceed the income derived from course fees.

2. For club run courses, promote, process applications, collect money and issue joining instructions. Liaise with instructor, and if necessary, book and pay for the venue. Collect feedback.

3. Act as the primary contact with, (currently) 2nd Meridian Training and Reach4theWind, identifying synergies and promoting opportunities.

4. In conjunction with other flag officers, identify potential skippers and provide developmental support as available for both cruising and racing.

5. Liaise with RYA representatives; to identify new training opportunities and obtain any funding on behalf of the club.

6. Liaise with locally run Day Skipper and Yacht Master theory classes, to introduce HOEOCA and encourage new members to join.

7. Communicate with other sailing clubs in the region and exchange course ideas, training calendars etc.

GENERAL - Committee members should be available to attend the majority of the monthly committee meetings which are normally held 1930 on the last Tuesday of any month (except December) as well as being generally supportive of club events. Additionally, in turn each committee member acts as a “Meeter Greeter” at a first Tuesday social.

General IT literacy is assumed although training will be given if you are required to update the area of the website assigned to your role.

An interest in and/or enthusiasm for sailing is an advantage. It is expected that all committee members will become directors of HOEOCA limited which is a Company Limited by Guarantee.

HOEOCA Ltd. is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 05045997
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