ROLE PURPOSE - To set a strategic direction for the club, in line with both its original vision and the current wishes of members, and to be responsible for its overall organisation and management. To work with fellow committee members to achieve targets and goals set.


1. Compile, update and oversee the execution of an annual plan and calendar of club activities and events.

2. Chair the monthly committee meetings and arrange a substitute if unavailable.

3. Chair the AGM (and any EGMs) and present a report of annual activities to the members.

4. Attend all formal meetings of members as far as is reasonably practicable.

5. At rallies, laying up supper and other such events, welcome members, and guests by making a speech reflective of the occasion.

6. Ensure that committee members are well briefed in their roles and provide coaching & support if required. Act as a sounding board as needed.

7. In conjunction with the committee member responsible for communications, ensure that members receive timely reminders for social and speaker evenings.

8. Make sure that succession plans are in place for the recruitment and development of future committee members and flag officers

9. Oversee the club’s annual awards – seek opinion and decide recipients, ensure trophies engraved and make presentations.

10. Source & present suitable gifts for members leaving the committee.

11. Coordinate the awarding of the Jim Race award to an eligible and deserving recipient.

12. Liaise with RYA at local and national level and to ensure that any requirements are met.

13. Liaise with BBCSCA, specifically produce annual report of activities.

14. Represent the club externally and act as a spokesperson if required.

GENERAL - Committee members should be available to attend the majority of the monthly committee meetings which are normally held 1930 on the last Tuesday of any month (except December) as well as being generally supportive of club events. Additionally, in turn each committee member acts as a “Meeter Greeter” at a first Tuesday social.

General IT literacy is assumed although training will be given if you are required to update the area of the website assigned to your role. An interest in and/or enthusiasm for sailing is an advantage.

It is expected that all committee members will become directors of HOEOCA limited which is a Company Limited by Guarantee.

HOEOCA Ltd. is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 05045997
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