I started my association with the sea in 1980 when I trained as a commercial diver at Fort Bovisand in Devon as an option to my degree course in Civil Engineering. I started sailing in 2008 when I did the RYA Level 1 and 2 dinghy courses at Shustoke Sailing Club. After the course I purchased a Laser Dinghy which I now race regularly at Shustoke Sailing Club.

Whilst at Shustoke I did the RYA Day Skipper and Yacht Master theory courses and have subsequently been on a number of sailing excursions including a trip across the channel to Guernsey and Alderney last summer.

In addition to be being the HOEOCA Treasurer, I am also the Treasurer of the RYA Midland Regional Volunteer Team where I have been in post for three years. I was the Treasurer of Shustoke Sailing club for 7 years but retired from this post 18 months ago.

My working life has been spent as a design Engineer on major Civil and Structural Engineering projects but towards the end of my career I moved into Project Management for a large multi-disciiplined organisation involved with the design and construction of pharmaceutical, food and chemical plants. I retired in October last year to spend more time cycling, sailing, digging the allotment and amusing the grandchildren.

HOEOCA Ltd. is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 05045997
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