Our Oceanis 37s will be available from Fairview, based in Port Hamble, from 10am on Monday to be returned by 11am on Friday.


Cost per person £255 (based on 6 people), with a fixed number of crew places available, for the boat charter. Boats will also need to run a kitty to share additional costs such as provisions, fuel, mooring fees etc among the crew.


1. Please complete and sign the August Shared Cost Cruise Booking Form below  ASAP and return to Beryl Reed

2. On receipt of your signed application form we’ll confirm a place is available or place you on the waiting list.

3. If your place is confirmed, please complete the BACS payment of your deposit to the Club and notify Ashleigh Hemming and Beryl Reed that payment has been made. Payment details can be found on the booking form

If you have any queries, please contact Beryl Reed.

Social Cruising Booking Form Aug24
HOEOCA Ltd. is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 05045997
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