Having come a brilliant first in the July Sunsail Race weekend, HOEOCA were invited to enter a crew in the finals at the end of October.

On 31 October Keith posted on Facebook:

Just spent a great weekend on the Solent taking part in the Sunsail Race Series Final with HOEOCA. Perfect conditions for the practice day on the Saturday. Many, many Spinnaker hoists gybes and drops were carried out.

Sunday turned out mainly dry but windy with gusts in the mid to high 20s resulting in more challenging conditions for the four races. But with three second place finishes and a FIRST in the final race the crews efforts were rewarded with an overall Second place finish.

Thanks to Martin (first mate and foredeck boss) Stephanie, Paul, Alistair, Stuart, Ed and Mike for being a great crew and inviting me along.

Also congrats to Geoff Johns and his Shustoke crew who joined us on the podium in third place.

Then on 1 November Paul Russell posted:

Just returned from a hugely enjoyable weekend competing in the Prometheus Sunsail Round the Cans end of season final. Arriving Friday evening allowed time for a team dinner and an early night as Saturday was practise day focusing mainly on spinnaker work which involved a tiring number of raising, flying, gybing, dropping and repacking (and repeat!!) of "the big boy!". Dinner in Cowes and another semi early night in preparation for race day on Sunday. Conditions were ideal for exhilarating sailing with winds averaging 17 knots and gusting to 25 knots giving a superb heel to the yacht and right on the limit sailing for spinnakers. Race day was all I had hoped for as the anticipation of our first Grand Final had the crew keen to get into the fray from the outset. HOEOCA crew all performed exceptionally well and we returned results of 3 x second places and a first in the last race giving an overall 2nd place only losing the 1st place by one point to Oxford University Sailing Club who the HOEOCA crew gave a real fun for their money!! Its mostly sails down now until next year when the training and qualification process for the 50th Anniversary of the Fastnet (July start date) campaign starts, one of the 3 listed iconic off shore yacht races. Lets hope we get the same spirit, effort and reward in "the big one!" A well earned result and now a well earned race for the crew. Thanks to all my crew mates for making the experience such a great one, hugely rewarding.

HOEOCA Ltd. is registered in England and Wales under Company Number 05045997
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